Monday, March 3, 2014

Birthday Week! 

It started off with an early birthday present from my Hubby
Hunter Rain Boots 

Then came Drinks with friends and family
Then came family dinner 

Family Photo
Small Group Shot 
My Amazing Cake!
Sweets Station I think so! 
And love this little guy, his shirt said Free Hugs but I get Free Kisses
Our little Godbaby! 
Everyone loves to pose with Camber! 
Special Thanks to my Mom the party planner! 

Then came a relaxing day... putting together my 25 things to do while 25
(Coming to the blog soon)


  1. Can't wait to read your 25 things to do list!! Love your blog!

  2. Thanks Lindz! It is hard to find time to blog about things with work being crazy but I am on my 25 things to do at 25 list!
