Friday, March 7, 2014

25 things while 25

  1. Start a blog
  2. Take a spontaneous trip - I am a planner an organizer, so to take a random trip would be out of my comfort zone! 
  3. Buy more fresh flowers- I love the life they can bring to a home! I don't know why I don't do this more often cause I love them. 
  4. Start a work out routine- I have started one now it is sticking with it!!
  5. Take a cooking class- Since my husband does all the cooking it would be nice to know how to make something :) 
  6. Give up soda - it was hard to do but I am about three weeks in and the headaches are finally going away. 
  7. Visit a new City
  8. Have more me time- Time where I just get away from it all and do something that makes me happy 
  9. Host a dinner party- I love to throw a good party but have never hosted a formal dinner party! 
  10. Read more 
  11. Have more mother daughter dates- my mom is truly my best friend, I want to soak up more time with her!
  12. Do something every day that scares me- It can be something small or something huge, just something that forces me out of my comfort zone. 
  13. Get my Grandma Carol, or as we call her Farmor, to write down some family history with me 
  14. Redo a room in our house 
  15. Explore my own city- There is so much to do and see in the Des Moines Area
  16. Start sewing more- Things other than my pillow cases (will be on the blog soon) 
  17. Have a crafting party- host an event that gathers people together to do a certain craft 
  18. Start ever day with a fresh and positive outlook- My life motto, "Any day above ground is a good day," My Uncle Andy would say that every time you asked him how he was. I strive to life every day like it is my last for him. 
  19. Make it a point to have lunch with someone at least once a week- good way to expand my network
  20. Put together a portfolio of my work so far
  21. Learn a new Danish recipe from Farmor- I know a few but can always learn more! 
  22. Write more thank yous- nothing is better than getting a thank you card in the mail. 
  23. Furnish our outdoor patio this summer so we have hold some family BBQs!
  24. Personal (these last two are more personal ones so I wont share those) 
  25. Personal

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