Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Things to know before your late 20s...

This COSMO article fit in well with my previous post! 

1. How to Pack: This is something I have mastered. I have taken enough trips to know how to use an outfit in different ways and make it last.

2. Stick With A Career Path Even If It's Hard At A the Beginning: I was lucky to fall into an amazing job right out of college. My generation is known to stay at a job from 3-5 years and then switch. I am going on year 4 and still loving it!

3. Quit a Job if you hate it:  I have done this plenty of times back in school. I think it is important to be happy and if your job doesn’t do that for you then you shouldn’t be doing it.

4. Dress accordingly to what you think looks good, not what other people think looks good: Learn to be ok with what you love even if it isn’t “trendy” BE YOU!

5. How To Throw A Dinner Party: This is one of my favorite things to do. I think I have mastered the art of it... on a budget! 

6. How To Fearlessly Ask For What You Want: I am working on this one. I have gotten better over the years but still have a ways to go.

7. Save Money: I am lucky to have parents that thought me at a young age the value of a dollar and how to save.

8. How to Say No: This is another thing I am getting better at.

9. How To Get What You Want In Bed: Well I am married so I like to think I have this covered.

10. The Body You Have...is the body you have: Another one I have learned to embrace over the past few years. You have what you have, learn to love it.

11. Whether or not you Want Kids: Being married in my early 20s I think we have this one figured out.

12. How to get Home when you're Drunk: Answer to this one is don’t get drunk in public! You never know who you will see or run into. Always be on your best.

13. That You're a different person than when you were 19, and that's a good thing: It is a good thing: wouldn't want to go back! I have changed a lot since I was 19 and I love the person I am becoming.

14. No Matter how Close you get to a Guy, Never Neglect your Closest Most Solid Friends: Good friends are hard to come by. The older I get the more I realize this. Keep the ones that mean the most close to you.

16. Eat Dessert If You Feel Like It: ALWAYS!

17. You Should No Longer Give a Shit About What Mean Girls Think: Touche! There will always be haters out there. It is important to know who you are and love it. Then it doesn't matter what others think.

To see the full COSMO 

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