Thursday, February 27, 2014

This is a post just to gush! 

My favorite little baby was born on January 5, 2014. Camber Douglas Taylor was born while I was at a conference in Tucson, AZ for work. I was sad to miss the day my favorite Godbaby came into the world but got to see him as soon as I got home on January 10th. 

He is just the cutest little guy that makes me smile daily! 
I am so happy for my cousins, Doug and Lindsay on this new joy in their and our lives.  He is a blessing to us all!

The other weekend we went over to have dinner with the few family and Doug and Lindsay asked us to be Camber's Godparents. It is a honor and I cant wait to watch this little guy grow up in front of our eyes. I don't want to wish time away but I can't wait to take him to little league practice or go watch his basketball games. 

Here are some photos to show him off a bit :) 
Look at this little man! 


He just melts my heart! 

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