Saturday, February 8, 2014

Our Home... let the nesting begin!

I am finally getting around to starting a blog for Jeff and I...better late than never.

Going back a few years 
November 2011 Jeff and I purchase our first home together...and so we began nesting. 

Before we even moved in we had the shutters off, a shrub out front pulled out and the yard rearranged! 

Jeff doin' work already! 

Before moving in we also enlisted all of our friends and family, THANK YOU, to  those that help us remove wallpaper from a majority of the house. It was a  huge task and took a lot of time but it paid off, the house from the 80's was gone!

A great family friend of ours came over and painted the whole main floor before we even moved our things it. Much better way to start nesting, without wallpaper and with some neutral wall colors! 

Once spring hit Jeff and his Dad poured us an AMAZING patio out in our backyard. 
The bottom right photo is of the storm that came through shortly after they guys finished pouring. Good thing nothing happened to the new crete! 

It is so nice to have that extra living space for the nicer months in Iowa! 

We are still searching for the perfect patio set for this XL patio. 

Once it got a little cooler out and we couldn't do much more around the outdoors of the house we worked our way in! 

Ripping up the carpet to expose the beautiful hardwood underneath original to the home. 
I started ambitiously of course on one of my days off before Jeff even got home. By the time he got off work I had the two spare bedrooms torn up carpet, staples, and all.

We spent that weekend sanding and staining the floors in the hallway, living room and dinning room since they weren't. Thankfully I have a handy father-in-law that is always willing to help with home projects. 

Here are some the photos while the stain was drying
Dinning room (those curtains are horrible...they changed soon after this as well)

Living Room 

And the View from the kitchen looking at the dinning and then living room.
Looks like a completely different house! 

Final shot of the living room as things were put back together. Crazy how much some things have changed even from this photo in 2012 to now.

The next spring, that puts us in 2013 we did a little more outdoor work; planting and replacing the front door! 

That is the fun part about being a homeowner we can do whatever we want to the house. Not so fun part it all costs :)

We try to do as many diy projects (some diy projects will follow on the blog) but the door wasnt one of them. Since we have an older home the door isnt a standard size. So we called in a professional and got to costume make our door. It is a high glossy gray door with a 4 panel window at the top. LOVE it sooooo much more than the old one! 

Door before...

Door After! 

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