Saturday, February 8, 2014

DIY headboard

Our bedroom was the next. We didnt have much in our room but the newly purchased king sized bed...quite an upgrade from the full we had been sleeping in our old apartment.

I decided we needed a head board and some decor, and that mean at DIY project was coming.

A weekend when Jeff was away at a softball tournament I enlisted my father-in-law to help me with my DIY headboard. We made a trip to the hardware store where he is a regular. Picked up some wood and stain and headed home.

Kim, my father-in-law did the major sawing and sanding and then it was my turn. I distressed the wood with a heavy chain and some nails. Makes a lot of noise but it worth the weird looks from our new neighbors once I had it stained and up.

What an easy DIY headboard for only $40!!

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