Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cowboy Christmas

This year we decided to take a vacation for Christmas... best idea ever! 

Out of character for me to not decorate or want to plan a party but I was excited about the idea of spending Christmas in Texas. It was the first year Jeff and I didnt put up one single decoration. It was actually a relief. The Holidays can be stressful with decorating, planning dinner, arrange with family and having everyone over. This Holiday Season was easy! 

On Christmas Day we caught a flight to Texas for the next 9 days! 

The first 4 days where spent in Fredericksburg, TX. Looking back probably one of my favorite spots in Texas! We stayed at the Hanger Hotel, an old airplane hanger. 
The Hanger Hotel

Family Photo with the rents Harley's
We enjoyed some local German food, Shopping, and the small town of Lukenbach, TX...population of 3 people.  You havent been to Texas unless you've had a Shriner Bock in Luckenbach! 

Lunch out with the boys

Lukenbach, TX

When in Luckenbach
Can't go to Texas without seeing the Alamo and the Riverwalk, no matter how many times you have been there!

The next stop on our trip was Austin, TX. We stayed at the cutest hotel, Lone Star  Court. 
Night out in Austin 

In front of our adorable room

Lone Star Court, Austin Texas

The last leg of our trip was Dallas. As our trip was winding down we still had some exciting things to look forward to. 

Dallas Mavericks game

New Years with the Dallas Stars 
Great Christmas with the family and a vacation for the books!

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