Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Spruce Up: Mantel Decor

Softball season has begun...
which means I have extra time to do the things I love as well. 
One of those things is redecorating the house!  
I came home to this fun SPRING banner in the mailbox from my mother-in-law which turned into a mantel decor spruce up project. 

The Banner that started it all

 Since I only had a few hours while Jeff was at practice, and knew I couldn't go to bed until this cute banner was up, I started scouring the house 
for new items to decorate with. 

This is one of the things I love most about redecorating, pulling together a new look with things I already have around the house. 
Yes these adorable eggs say our names and wedding date. One of the cutest wedding gifts! 

Doesn't every Spring mantel need a little bird, nest, and egg carton action!?!

Turned out super cute I think :) 
All I need is a few hours and some fun stuff around the house and I am good to go! 

Cute and Springy! 

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